There is a certain measure of respect and admiration that I have for the kind of person who is "fearless". Nothing holds them back from doing what they want to do and they're the first to try new things. They live in the moment and their mantra may be "YOLO"... Lol By nature, I am a fearful or worrisome person. I have been able to conquer some of my fears like stage fright, heights, and trying new foods, but emotionally and spiritually there are 3 fears that I am still working on. Some of them might resonate with you too.
1. The Fear of the Unknown
The older I get, the more this one seems to increase. I lay in bed at night and sometimes worry over what the future may hold and if I will be strong enough spiritually to handle it. All the "what ifs?" of life can overwhelm me if I think about it long enough. This fear can become very irrational.
2. The Fear of Failure
With all of the responsibilities of life, there are a lot of people that are depending on me. My pastor, principal, my students' parents, my husband and so on. I live my life each day with the understanding that what I do can and in most cases <will> affect many other people besides myself. The last thing I want to do is let them down.
3. The Fear of Rejection
Remember that feeling when you were in junior high, and the feeling of rejection you had after you found out you weren't invited to your classmate's birthday party? Now the real reason was not that you weren't liked, but rather they knew your parents wouldn't let you go. I never really felt complete acceptance from my peers in school because I was not exactly like them and could not do all of things they were allowed to do.
Now as an adult, the feeling of acceptance is still something that in my heart I still desire. Admittedly, it is not always for the right reasons, but at the same time, people (and sometimes friends) change and you wonder if they still feel that camradery and friendship you once shared. You wonder to yourself, "do they still accept me?"
I believe that if we get over all of our fears it will put us in a place of self-reliance rather than dependence on God. But your faith should outweigh your fears. I have memorized and want to continue memorizing verses on fear. So when I am in a situation where I am tempted to panic or fret, I bring to remembrance the comforting words of these verses.
Psalm 56:3- What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
Nahum 1:7- The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Psalm 118:6- The Lord is on my side; I will not fear what can man do unto me?
Proverbs is of the Lord.
There are many more verses that deal with the topic of fear/safety/trust, but I just chose to share a few. :) I hope that you along with me can continue to work on keeping our fears in check and letting God use them to increase our faith!
1. The Fear of the Unknown
The older I get, the more this one seems to increase. I lay in bed at night and sometimes worry over what the future may hold and if I will be strong enough spiritually to handle it. All the "what ifs?" of life can overwhelm me if I think about it long enough. This fear can become very irrational.
2. The Fear of Failure
With all of the responsibilities of life, there are a lot of people that are depending on me. My pastor, principal, my students' parents, my husband and so on. I live my life each day with the understanding that what I do can and in most cases <will> affect many other people besides myself. The last thing I want to do is let them down.
3. The Fear of Rejection
Remember that feeling when you were in junior high, and the feeling of rejection you had after you found out you weren't invited to your classmate's birthday party? Now the real reason was not that you weren't liked, but rather they knew your parents wouldn't let you go. I never really felt complete acceptance from my peers in school because I was not exactly like them and could not do all of things they were allowed to do.
Now as an adult, the feeling of acceptance is still something that in my heart I still desire. Admittedly, it is not always for the right reasons, but at the same time, people (and sometimes friends) change and you wonder if they still feel that camradery and friendship you once shared. You wonder to yourself, "do they still accept me?"
I believe that if we get over all of our fears it will put us in a place of self-reliance rather than dependence on God. But your faith should outweigh your fears. I have memorized and want to continue memorizing verses on fear. So when I am in a situation where I am tempted to panic or fret, I bring to remembrance the comforting words of these verses.
Psalm 56:3- What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
Nahum 1:7- The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Psalm 118:6- The Lord is on my side; I will not fear what can man do unto me?
Proverbs is of the Lord.
There are many more verses that deal with the topic of fear/safety/trust, but I just chose to share a few. :) I hope that you along with me can continue to work on keeping our fears in check and letting God use them to increase our faith!
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