I read somewhere recently that your pregnancies go by faster with each kid you have and I definitely think that's true. This one went by quickly and now I already have an one month old! Both of my pregnancies were very similar with just a few weeks of nausea at the beginning, bad heartburn towards the end, and almost the exact amount of weight gain. I had convinced myself that I was having another boy before we found out the gender because of all the similarities, but the three ultrasounds I had throughout the 9+ months proved otherwise! I started to get a little nervous once I went past the mark at which I had Owen (ten days early). I wasn't too surprised though since my midwife had said I most likely wouldn't deliver before 39 weeks or later since there were no issues. As week 38 came to a close, my husband had scheduled to go on an all night patrol with the Sheriff’s dept which made me a little nervous. I had been having some contractions at night...
So I know that we are a little late in the game, 🙈 but I have to say how amazing it is to get a full night's sleep again! I began the weaning process with Owen last month with the goal of being done with nursing by his first birthday. Around 6 months, he was down to nursing only 1x a night but then we moved 2 months later and any sort of routine we had went out the window. I probably should've tried to pick it back up once we were settled, but then his daddy started a second job where he's gone 3 nights throughout the week so that caused me to have to get him during the night when he woke up and instead of being "strong" and putting him back to bed- I'd just let him nurse back to sleep....Ah, I know, rookie mistake Lol Anyway, this past weekend, my husband and I decided that we'd let this go on for long enough so Sunday we agreed to let him CIO until he fell back asleep. Owen's first word was "momma" but he only would say it when he ...