Exactly one month today ,at 12:11 pm, our little boy entered the world and our lives forever changed. If motherhood has taught me anything so far, it would be that I need to multitask to get anything done. (It is amazing how I've managed to learn how to eat, do laundry, and clean with a baby in my arms!) Another lesson I have learned is to be okay when things don't go as planned. I am so thankful that Owen's delivery was safe and uncomplicated, but it definitely didn't go as I had thought or imagined! Here is the story...
As I entered the 38th week of my pregnancy, I started to become a little impatient. I was becoming more and more uncomfortable with each passing day and just wanted to meet our baby. I started reading about different natural ways to start labor, although most of them said to wait until you were past your due date. I figured as long as they were safe methods that it would be okay so I decided to try a few.....
**Fresh Pineapple- a yummy and refreshing treat but did nothing but satisfy a craving
**Walking- I walked on the treadmill, pulled weeds, did squats, and even a little jumping- was only rewarded with soreness the next day Lol
**Castor Oil- I tried this the Wednesday before I had him and that night I had bloody show and had my first contractions. I told my sisters and we were convinced that I would have him that weekend. However, the contractions went away and I was starting to feel discouraged.
I had a prenatal appt. on Friday and was hopeful that I would hear good news and be dilated some. As it turned out, I was 100% effaced and dilated 1 cm. I went ahead and had my membranes stripped to help speed the process along. Saturday came along and I woke up with a strained muscle in my shoulder. It added to my stress because I had things to do before my parents came into town that Monday but I couldn't really use my left arm because of the pain. I was advised to rest as much as possible. That weekend, I also noticed a clear fluid trickling out of me. I told my husband, but we were both convinced that if it was my bag of waters that there would be a lot more of it. In our birthing class, they said that only 30 percent of all women have their water break so I wasn't counting on it. We decided we would watch it and see if I noticed an increase or change.
We picked my parents up Monday morning, and besides my stomach tightening a few times, I had no clear signs that labor was near. After grocery shopping with my mom that afternoon, we came home and waited for my husband to get off work. I used the restroom as I had to do many times a day (especially since he was so low). Not even 15 min later, I felt a little wet and went to see what was going on. A clear trickle was going down my leg, and I called my mom in to see. We agreed that it could be my water "leaking", and I called my doctor's office. The nurse said that she thought I should get checked out, so we headed over to the hospital around 6 pm. When we were checked into a triage room, I was praying that the tests would show that it was amniotic fluid to prove that I wasn't going crazy-but the thought of getting induced was kind of scary at the same time. An hour felt like forever as we waited for the answer. Around 7:30 the nurse confirmed that I indeed was leaking animotic fluid and that since it had started a few days ago, they would need to induce me since the risk of infection was present. I was excited that I got to stay and get things going, but a long night was ahead.
I was hooked up to a fetal monitor right away and given an IV for fluids. With all of the disractions of the day, I had forgotten to drink a lot and was dehyrated. I was given a room in labor and delivery and they started me on a 2ml dosage of pitocin around 9pm. The doctor who was on duty that night was concerned that I didn't come in sooner and wouldn't let me do much but get up to use the restroom. That was an ordeal in of itself because Greg had to unhook me from the monitors each time and help me. The nurse told me to get some rest, but of course I could not. My parents decided to stay with us in the room all night (and my dad's a snorer LOL) but the petocin was giving me "small" contractions and I could not relax enough to sleep. By morning, I was up to about 10 or 12 ml of pitocin and at only 2 cm dilation. There was a shift change at 7 and the nurse that saw me in triage when I came in was back and a midwife took over for the doctor. The midwife came into see me and told me I looked to still be in the early stages of labor. This did not sit well with me since I was tired from no sleep and had been in mild pain from the contractions brought on by the petocin for the last 10 hours. She said that I could definitely start walking the halls and sitting on the birthing ball to see if that would help me dilate faster. At around 10:45, she came back into check me. They had taken my level of pitocin all the to 24 ml but I had progressed to barely a 3. She then told us she had a suscpion that my water had not completely broken which could be what was holding my labor back. The baby's head was most likely acting as a plug which was why I would leak fluid and then stop over and over again. She said she could go ahead and break it and see where that left us. I agreed and was annoyed that the doctor on night shift hadn't suggested that but that was irrevelant at that point.
They were aware that I wanted to try to do as natural a birth as possible, but they did make me aware of what pain meds I could get. I was told that when she broke my water it would be uncomfortable, but I was not prepared for the INTENSE pain that followed. The nurse suggested getting into the tub to help manage the pain. I was wimpering and wailing from the real contractions that I was finally feeling. They felt like menstrual cramps but a million times worse. Now I become very irrational when I'm in a lot of pain so I kept telling Greg I didn't want to do this anymore. I had my eyes closed and was mostly immersed in the water when I kept feeling droplets on my check. Greg was holding on tightly to my hand trying to keep me focused. I told him to stop sniffling and wipe his nose because it was dripping on me, but when I opened my eyes I saw that they were tears coming from his eyes that were landing on my face. He had never seen me in such pain and distress and it was breaking his heart. I will never forget that moment <3
After about 15 or 20 min in the tub, I had reached my pain tolerance. Everything that I had learned about breathing through the contractions went out the window and I just wanted some relief. The nurse said the only thing they could give me at that point was federol (not sure of the spelling) and that it would only help give me a break between contractions but I didn't care- I needed something! Lol Once I got back into bed, I felt so much pressure that I started to push right away. I started yelling that I was gonna push and the midwife said to wait because she needed to see how far along I had progressed. It's kind of blur after that, but apparently I had dilated very quickly and they scrambled to get the delivery table set up. I screamed with all my might with every push.
Pushing was super hard for me because my strength was all gone and I couldn't even hold my legs by myself. After a few good ones, she told me to reach done and touch his head. That was encouraging but I was so ready for him to be out. I continued pushing...and screaming...and pushing....and screaming... My mom and husband were like my cheerleaders telling me I was doing great and I was almost there. Finally, he was completely out and they placed him on me. Greg said that the first thing I said was "this is not my baby" but I think I was in disbelief and delirium. Lol He was small and beautiful and I was in love. I ended up getting 2 stitches for a second degree tear but the part where they push on your belly several times to get the placenta and blood out was horrible! It's crazy the relief that you feel after everything is over though. I was sore and shaky (and hoarse from the all the screaming) but was SO happy that he was here.
Mommyhood is the hardest most wonderful thing ever and it is still surreal that I have a child! I am grateful for all the support I have had, but it still can get overwhelming at times. I pray for all my fellow mommy friends, and I would appreciate your prayers as well. Thanks for reading and letting me share my journey with you!
As I entered the 38th week of my pregnancy, I started to become a little impatient. I was becoming more and more uncomfortable with each passing day and just wanted to meet our baby. I started reading about different natural ways to start labor, although most of them said to wait until you were past your due date. I figured as long as they were safe methods that it would be okay so I decided to try a few.....
**Fresh Pineapple- a yummy and refreshing treat but did nothing but satisfy a craving
**Walking- I walked on the treadmill, pulled weeds, did squats, and even a little jumping- was only rewarded with soreness the next day Lol
**Castor Oil- I tried this the Wednesday before I had him and that night I had bloody show and had my first contractions. I told my sisters and we were convinced that I would have him that weekend. However, the contractions went away and I was starting to feel discouraged.
I had a prenatal appt. on Friday and was hopeful that I would hear good news and be dilated some. As it turned out, I was 100% effaced and dilated 1 cm. I went ahead and had my membranes stripped to help speed the process along. Saturday came along and I woke up with a strained muscle in my shoulder. It added to my stress because I had things to do before my parents came into town that Monday but I couldn't really use my left arm because of the pain. I was advised to rest as much as possible. That weekend, I also noticed a clear fluid trickling out of me. I told my husband, but we were both convinced that if it was my bag of waters that there would be a lot more of it. In our birthing class, they said that only 30 percent of all women have their water break so I wasn't counting on it. We decided we would watch it and see if I noticed an increase or change.
We picked my parents up Monday morning, and besides my stomach tightening a few times, I had no clear signs that labor was near. After grocery shopping with my mom that afternoon, we came home and waited for my husband to get off work. I used the restroom as I had to do many times a day (especially since he was so low). Not even 15 min later, I felt a little wet and went to see what was going on. A clear trickle was going down my leg, and I called my mom in to see. We agreed that it could be my water "leaking", and I called my doctor's office. The nurse said that she thought I should get checked out, so we headed over to the hospital around 6 pm. When we were checked into a triage room, I was praying that the tests would show that it was amniotic fluid to prove that I wasn't going crazy-but the thought of getting induced was kind of scary at the same time. An hour felt like forever as we waited for the answer. Around 7:30 the nurse confirmed that I indeed was leaking animotic fluid and that since it had started a few days ago, they would need to induce me since the risk of infection was present. I was excited that I got to stay and get things going, but a long night was ahead.
I was hooked up to a fetal monitor right away and given an IV for fluids. With all of the disractions of the day, I had forgotten to drink a lot and was dehyrated. I was given a room in labor and delivery and they started me on a 2ml dosage of pitocin around 9pm. The doctor who was on duty that night was concerned that I didn't come in sooner and wouldn't let me do much but get up to use the restroom. That was an ordeal in of itself because Greg had to unhook me from the monitors each time and help me. The nurse told me to get some rest, but of course I could not. My parents decided to stay with us in the room all night (and my dad's a snorer LOL) but the petocin was giving me "small" contractions and I could not relax enough to sleep. By morning, I was up to about 10 or 12 ml of pitocin and at only 2 cm dilation. There was a shift change at 7 and the nurse that saw me in triage when I came in was back and a midwife took over for the doctor. The midwife came into see me and told me I looked to still be in the early stages of labor. This did not sit well with me since I was tired from no sleep and had been in mild pain from the contractions brought on by the petocin for the last 10 hours. She said that I could definitely start walking the halls and sitting on the birthing ball to see if that would help me dilate faster. At around 10:45, she came back into check me. They had taken my level of pitocin all the to 24 ml but I had progressed to barely a 3. She then told us she had a suscpion that my water had not completely broken which could be what was holding my labor back. The baby's head was most likely acting as a plug which was why I would leak fluid and then stop over and over again. She said she could go ahead and break it and see where that left us. I agreed and was annoyed that the doctor on night shift hadn't suggested that but that was irrevelant at that point.
They were aware that I wanted to try to do as natural a birth as possible, but they did make me aware of what pain meds I could get. I was told that when she broke my water it would be uncomfortable, but I was not prepared for the INTENSE pain that followed. The nurse suggested getting into the tub to help manage the pain. I was wimpering and wailing from the real contractions that I was finally feeling. They felt like menstrual cramps but a million times worse. Now I become very irrational when I'm in a lot of pain so I kept telling Greg I didn't want to do this anymore. I had my eyes closed and was mostly immersed in the water when I kept feeling droplets on my check. Greg was holding on tightly to my hand trying to keep me focused. I told him to stop sniffling and wipe his nose because it was dripping on me, but when I opened my eyes I saw that they were tears coming from his eyes that were landing on my face. He had never seen me in such pain and distress and it was breaking his heart. I will never forget that moment <3
After about 15 or 20 min in the tub, I had reached my pain tolerance. Everything that I had learned about breathing through the contractions went out the window and I just wanted some relief. The nurse said the only thing they could give me at that point was federol (not sure of the spelling) and that it would only help give me a break between contractions but I didn't care- I needed something! Lol Once I got back into bed, I felt so much pressure that I started to push right away. I started yelling that I was gonna push and the midwife said to wait because she needed to see how far along I had progressed. It's kind of blur after that, but apparently I had dilated very quickly and they scrambled to get the delivery table set up. I screamed with all my might with every push.
Pushing was super hard for me because my strength was all gone and I couldn't even hold my legs by myself. After a few good ones, she told me to reach done and touch his head. That was encouraging but I was so ready for him to be out. I continued pushing...and screaming...and pushing....and screaming... My mom and husband were like my cheerleaders telling me I was doing great and I was almost there. Finally, he was completely out and they placed him on me. Greg said that the first thing I said was "this is not my baby" but I think I was in disbelief and delirium. Lol He was small and beautiful and I was in love. I ended up getting 2 stitches for a second degree tear but the part where they push on your belly several times to get the placenta and blood out was horrible! It's crazy the relief that you feel after everything is over though. I was sore and shaky (and hoarse from the all the screaming) but was SO happy that he was here.
Mommyhood is the hardest most wonderful thing ever and it is still surreal that I have a child! I am grateful for all the support I have had, but it still can get overwhelming at times. I pray for all my fellow mommy friends, and I would appreciate your prayers as well. Thanks for reading and letting me share my journey with you!
Fresh Baby- Look at all that hair!
Sweet boy <3
I love how expressive he is getting!
<3 Stephanie
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