I read somewhere recently that your pregnancies go by faster with each kid you have and I definitely think that's true. This one went by quickly and now I already have an one month old! Both of my pregnancies were very similar with just a few weeks of nausea at the beginning, bad heartburn towards the end, and almost the exact amount of weight gain. I had convinced myself that I was having another boy before we found out the gender because of all the similarities, but the three ultrasounds I had throughout the 9+ months proved otherwise! I started to get a little nervous once I went past the mark at which I had Owen (ten days early). I wasn't too surprised though since my midwife had said I most likely wouldn't deliver before 39 weeks or later since there were no issues. As week 38 came to a close, my husband had scheduled to go on an all night patrol with the Sheriff’s dept which made me a little nervous. I had been having some contractions at night...
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